Dear Editor, I wish to convey my most sincere thanks to the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce, and everyone else involved, for being selected and honored at the Community Awards Breakfast. I am most humbled to have been included in such special company. Be assured that I shall continue to do what I can to […]
Dear Editor, It’s easy to see why Fred Ritter was awarded 2007 Businessman of the Year by the Clarkston Chamber of Commerce. His engaging humor and heartfelt plea to support area businesses, especially in this economy and in an era of ‘big box? stores, deeply impressed me. What I did not know: he owns the […]
15 years ago – 1992 ‘Operating renewal passes; 2-mill package falls? About 4,400 voters decided to renew a 19-mill for school operations, but turned down an additional 2-mill tax and Schools of Choice. With the defeat, the district was set to cut $1.1 million. ‘Mayoral race highlights city’s first election? Village President Sharron Catallo was […]
Planning a full 20-year career in the U.S. Army, service in Iraq is a near certainty for Jacob Beno of Clarkston. When that happens, he wants to be behind the controls of a Blackhawk helicopter. ‘I’ve wanted to be a pilot since I was a kid,? said Beno, home on leave from his duty station […]
BY TREVOR KEISER Clarkston News Staff Writer In 1830, a man by the name of Linus Jacox became the first pioneer settler from New York to what became known as the Village of Clarkston. The village was named in 1842, after the two settlers who did the most to improve the town ? their names […]
Dear Editor, Clarkston sparkled, despite inclement weather, as the entire community came together to celebrate Clarkston SCAMP Home Tour’s silver anniversary. More than 800 attendees were enchanted by a tour that walked them through time. Ten magnificent homes in the historic district of Clarkston were the spotlight this year. Without our gracious homeowners, truly generous […]
Dear Editor, May I please thank The Clarkston News for the article in the news about Metropolitan Tree Inc. (Clarkston News Progress Edition, March 14, page 21C). Because of the article, I hired Metropolitan Tree Inc. and what a wonderful job they did removing three big, old trees, one very close to a large shed. […]
Using a ‘running start? philosophy, Waterford Mott should have had more than enough left for a second game Friday afternoon against Clarkston. But the Corsairs came up short in an 8-3 loss at Clarkston in the district finals, after stopping archrival Waterford Kettering 2-0 to start the day. The Wolves, on the other hand, were […]
In the early development of our country and the use of the automobile for transportation, it became apparent that when it rained, something needed to be done about the run off. The initial response was to guide it into ditches to be carried away to sights unseen down stream. Seeming to be a grand idea, […]
Clarkston girls basketball head coach Tim Wasilk, his coaching staff and current Clarkston players will teach students the fundamentals of basketball. The camp is designed to help everyone improve their game, from beginners to longtime players. The camp will have instruction on shooting technique, ball handling drills, defensive fundamentals, station work, competitive games, hot shot, […]