Donna Clancy’s voice overflowed with emotion as she accepted an accolade naming her Citizen of the Year during the Clarkston Community Awards Breakfast last week. The event, now in its 22nd year, pays tribute to local individuals, groups and businesses who contribute to community enhancement. Clancy was one of 11 individuals honored during the breakfast […]
The Senior Center poses an immediate problem for Independence Township. ‘We need to deal with it ? it’s been too long,? said Trustee Daniel Kelly. The current center in Clinton Wood Park, a repurposed house, needs too much maintenance and renovation work, hallways are too narrow, and stairways too steep, Kelly said. Trustees Charles Dunn […]
Energy-use audits and conservation programs will save the school district more than $400,000 this school year, officials reported. The district exceeded its energy-savings goals, said Bruce Beamer, executive director of business services, May 21 to the Board of Education. ‘We’re actively looking at various ways to save energy,? Beamer said. ‘We’re trying to change behavior […]
A wireless internet tower on school land may bring in more revenue. The tower, which could range in size from flagpole to cell-phone tower, would be placed next to the school transportation building, said Bruce Beamer. The Board of Education expressed interest in the proposal, so Beamer will work out details with the company, Clearwater. […]
Owners of 10 historic homes in Clarkston will sweep off the welcome mats and open their front doors this weekend during the annual Clarkston SCAMP Home Tour. This year’s event features a record number of homes?10’each within the Village of Clarkston’s celebrated historic district. Eight of the homes are on North Main Street and three […]
Dennis Marshall of Independence Township has always wanted to be an author. ‘My wife told me when we first got married that I should be a writer,? Marshall said. ‘She said ‘you have the knack for it.?? When his wife, Mary, passed away in 2004, he decided to do it. ‘It commemorates her memory,? Marshall […]
Lots of awards going out lately. Citizens, businesses, students, teachers, all getting much deserved recognition. They deserve it. This is a nice area, and a lot of people work hard to make it that way. I’ve been impressed with what’s going on in the schools. Budget problems aside, teachers and students are doing a lot […]
Dear Editor, The Clarkston Area Lions wish to thank everyone for their support during our recent ‘White Cane Week?. Through your generosity, we collected over $12,000. All, 100 percent, of the funds collected will be used to support many sight and hearing projects, including Leader Dogs for the Blind, Michigan Eye Bank and Transplant Center, […]
Dear Editor, I met Michelle Aisthorpe in September 2005, when my daughter Kierstin began first grade’gone all day for the first time away from Mom. My first impression of Mrs. A. put me at ease immediately. We were transferred from a different school and Mrs. Aisthorpe was too. With a familiar face and a smile […]
15 years ago – 1992 ‘New ordinance could dampen noise at Pine Knob? Independence Township was set to adopt a noise ordinance that could have shut down Pine Knob music theater. Township officials and neighbors wanted the theater to make sure concerts ended by 11 p.m. ‘Man confesses to killing four? The suspect in a […]