Students make a ‘Splash? with The Clarkston News

School activities and students are regular features in The Clarkston News ? one of our goals is to get every Clarkston student in the paper at least once before they graduate. A group of students is going one better: writing their own newspaper and publishing it as a special section in next week’s Clarkston News. […]

Congratulations, graduates

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us ? Ralph Waldo Emerson. When I wrote my first column for The Clarkston News in October, I said I was looking forward to working here, in a small town, because people matter. I haven’t been disappointed. Every […]

Thanks for Garden Club’s work

Dear Editor, Clarkston is such a beautiful town! We who live here are fortunate, particularly with the evidence of spring in the air, on the ground, and all around us We live among beautiful homes, pleasant surroundings, and friendly people. But, it is easy to take some of that evidence for granted. Each spring, indeed […]

Congratulations to election winners

Dear Editor, I would like to take this time to congradulate Mr. Barry Bomier and Ms.Cheryl McGinnis on their election to the Clarkston School Board. To the many voters who marked an ‘x? by my name, thank you. I will be watching how the school board manages the large deficit without closing schools or laying […]

Mail carriers fill food pantry shelves

Dear Editor, Lighthouse Emergency Services sends a sincere thank you to our national letter carriers and generous community for providing much needed food items to fill the shelves at the local food pantries. Without this annual ‘Stamp out Hunger? food drive, the summer months would find our shelves low on food at a time when […]

From our archives…

15 years ago – 1992 ‘Cemetery kidnapping suspect jailed? A man kidnapped a woman planting flowers at a Springfield Township cemetery. The suspect was charged with kidnapping and attempted rape in District Court. ?5 cited with Michigan Week Community Awards? Donald Kevern earned the Citizen Award, and Mary Halpin received the Volunteer Award. ‘Thespians scramble […]

Police files

Independence Township Fri., May 11 Deputies were dispatched to the U.S. Border Patrol in Detroit after Border Patrol officials picked up a 56-year-old Lake Orion man with a felony warrant out of Independence Township. The band director at a private school filed a police report claiming about a dozen of the school’s band instruments were […]

On the home front

Sean Rush of Clarkston doesn’t like watching television news of the war in Iraq. She knows enough already ? her husband, Chris Rush, has been there with the U.S. Army since January. One of the biggest adjustments they have had to make is communication. At his stateside post, Ft. Hood, Texas, he was able to […]

Honoring achievement

Clarkston Area Optimist Club honored middle, junior, and high school students at Youth Appreciation Breakfast May 16. ‘This is one of my favorite mornings throughout the school year,? said Clarkston Junior High Principal Shawn Ryan. ‘This is the time we recognize students who fit most with the Optimists? creed ? for me, that’s someone who […]

Welcome Ashlyn

Parents Mike and Jodi Walters and big sister Olivia welcome Ashlyn Sarah to the family. Ashlyn was born Feb. 14, at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and 19 3/4 inches in length. The family resides in Marana, Ariz., a suburb of Tuscon. Grandparents are the Rev. Robert and Beverly Walters of Clarkston, and Jerry and Judy […]