Gini Schultz remembered a time when neighbors were concerned about the welfare of a mentally challenged young man living alone. ‘There wasn’t a day a Clarkston police officer didn’t stop, knock on the door, check on him and make sure he was fine,? Schultz said, noting that she has also known the department to check […]
A million-dollar make-over set to begin this week will more than triple the size of Springfield Township’s No.2 fire station, adding new amenities and much needed space to the crowded building. The expansion will include the addition of a 1,532 square-foot multi-purpose room, plenty of new storage space, and a special hose-drying room. Two additional […]
The 25th annual Ducks Unlimited Banquet is set for 5-11 p.m. tonight, May 2, at Deer Lake Athletic Club. Social time begins at 5 p.m., with dinner and program starting at 7 p.m. Included will be cash bar, family-style dinner, attendence prizes, raffles, and live and silent auctions. Items for auction include five-day Carnival Cruise, […]
American Legion Chief Pontiac Post 377 hosts ‘Forgotten Angels? fundraiser 12-6 p.m., May 12, 4819 Mary Sue. Activities include silent and live auctions, raffles, 50-50, $5 buffet, dollar store, and live DJ. Donated auction and craft items will be accepted. The fundraiser will benefit New Gateways, Inc., program for developmentally disabled adults. No tickets necessary, […]
The mission sounded serious ? four coal miners unconscious underground. Rescue robots were available, but had to be carefully designed and programmed. Teams Robo Rays, Beta Rays, and Coal Patrol of Cedar Crest Academy in Independence Township took the Robofest 2007 Game Competition Challenge. They built Lego robots with motors, wheels, light sensors and claws, […]
I owe readers in Clarkston an apology. For nearly seven months I’ve been traipsing between substations in Springfield and Independence townships to pour over piles of police reports in an effort to keep residents apprised of crime and other goings-on. You name it, I’ve read it and reported it. Drunken drivers, pummeled partners, neighborly nonsense; […]
15 years ago – 1992 ‘Two computer proposals on hold? A pair of local parent-teacher organizations withdrew loan requests with the school board for new computers. District administration had recommended denial of the loans. ?$1 million slashed? Clarkston school district cut $1.1 million from the budget. Included in the cuts were 11 teacher layoffs. School […]
Independence Township Thurs., April 19 Two 19-year-old men were arrested and jailed on previous warrants after they were pulled over on a traffic violation. The men were in possession of drugs, paraphernalia and liquor. A report was sent to an Oakland County probation officer after a 22-year-old Pontiac man with a criminal history of breaking […]
BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor Clarkston Community Schools released details of its new Transportation Service Model, changing some school bus stops and class times. ‘Our goal is to reduce costs in transportation so that we are able to keep educational dollars directly in the classroom,? said Anita Banach, director of communications and marketing. ‘We […]
Seven Clarkston Community Schools teachers and staff were presented Employee Recognition Awards April 23 by the Board of Education. Honored were, from left, Dorene Sumner, North Sashabaw Elementary secretary; Megan Horstman, Clarkston Elementary Learning Resource Center teacher; Jessica Cameron, Independence Elementary kindergarten teacher; Chris Smith, Community Education youth enrichment supervisor; Vicky Pike, Clarkston Elementary classroom […]