Pool school coming up

As weather warms, pool owners will be slipping back the covers and checking the condition of their pool water. If taken care of the previous fall, the water will be in good shape. If not, it might be cloudy and green. Especially in those cases, chemical cleaning can be complicated, so Jim Bishop, owner of […]

Global warnings valid, just hot air?

Throughout history, some have come forward to ring the bells of alarm, while others come forward to say all is well. Global warming is the latest in a line including terrorism, population explosion, coming ice age, nuclear war, spread of communism, Hitler, witchcraft, divine retribution, plagues, Biblical flood, etc. Some warnings turned out to be […]

Spring vehicle maintenance important part of car’s life

Spring has sprung and with the warmer weather comes a responsibility as a car owner to perform spring car maintenance. From salt damage to potholes, the winter months can really do a number on vehicles. Bob King, service manager at Clarkston Chrysler Jeep, says a vehicle should get inspected for suspension damage, and the spring […]

A full plate

When Monica Denis was a student at Notre Dame Preparatory High School, she found she was good at math and science. Aptitudes like this point to a career in engineering, a fact her mother Denise Denis, General Motors employee, knows well. ‘My mom pushed me into it,? Monica said. ‘It was a good fit.? Now […]

Trip to Peru puts life in perspective

After a month in Peru, Ashley VanderWeel of Springfield Township missed a few things in America. One was her boyfriend, Andrew Vargas. Another, ‘water I can drink,? she said. Homelessness, street violence, industrial pollution, traffic ? all presented danger to life and limb. But she’s planning a return trip to South America, though next time […]

Clarkston grad to wed

Jennifer McChesney, daughter of Dr. David and Rebecca McChesney of Clarkston, announces her engagement to Jason Brown, son of Greg and Maxine Brown of Durango, Colo. The bride-to-be is a 1991 graduate of Clarkston High School and 1995 graduate of Miami University. The future groom is a 1990 graduate of Durango High School and 1998 […]

Lemieux family welcomes Paul

Ken and Marcie (Powers) Lemieux, of Clarkston, are pleased to announce the birth of their son Paul Benjamin. Paul was born on March 24 at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. He weighed four pounds, six ounces, and was 18 inches long. Paul was welcomed home by his twin big sisters Annelise and Lucienne, age […]

Clarkston Co-op Open House set for April 26

Gearing up for its 38th year, Clarkston Co-op will host its annual open house for parents and children at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 26. The school has a long standing lease at the Clarkston United Methodist Church, 6600 Waldon Road. It offers theme-based academic and active learning approach. It also offers a high adult to […]

Work set for Clarkston, Sashabaw

The Clarkston and Sashabaw road intersection is receiving $2.25-million in work this spring and summer. The project will widen and add left- and right-turn lanes in all directions and reduce a hill north of Sashabaw. The project should be complete by September, dependent upon right of way acquisition. The Road Commission for Oakland County’s 2007 […]

Crossings close for maintenance

Railroad crossings on Andersonville Road will be closed temporarily this month for repair. Road Commission for Oakland County will close the railroad crossing east of Farley Road in Springfield Township April 16-20. The detour route will be Farley Road to Foster Road to Edgar Road and vice versa. The crossing just west of Clement Road […]