Letter to the Editor

I read this article (‘There’s a serval in the house, April 11) and had to laugh just a bit. As anyone in the rescue business knows, buying an exotic cat is not a rescue, it’s buying an exotic cat, and people do it all the time with the thought that they can make these animals […]

Guest Opinion

Earth Day (April 22) approaches, and with it a grave danger faces mankind. The danger is not from acid rain, global warming, smog, or the logging of rain forests, as environmentalists would have us believe. The danger to mankind is from environmentalism. The fundamental goal of environmentalism is not clean air and clean water; rather, […]

Church group sews quilts for babies

Quilts are a worldwide tradition spanning centuries. The handmade blankets are not only a source of warmth and comfort, but also of love, memory and tradition. The women of the Oxford Free Methodist Church’s Quilters For Life are gifted with the art of quilting ? and they are sharing that gift with the community. On […]

Kingsbury art on display

Congratulations to Oxford’s own Jim Saunders. The Kingsbury Country Day School eighth-grader was chosen to participate in a statewide art show sponsored by the Association of Independent Michigan Schools. Saunder’s striking three-dimensional piece (shown right) will be on display at the Southfield Public Library until April 30. The mixed media frame and watercolor painting show […]

Village Trophy Shop raises funds for Joan Brace arts scholarship

The Village Trophy Shop sponsored their First Annual Children’s All-Media Art Competition. All Proceeds from this show were donated the Lake Orion Art Center’s Joan Brace Scholarship Fund. This fund was developed nine years ago to assist Lake Orion High School Seniors who wish to pursue a career in the arts achieve their goal. The […]

Board hears from speaker about township management

The Independence Township Board of Trustees invited a speaker to their Tuesday meeting to hear details of hiring a township manager. Richard Watkins, the 14-year township manager of Delta Township spoke with the board about his job duties, the hiring process and the day-to-day workings of his township with the role of a manager. With […]

Reginald Brown back in state, being held at OCJ

Reginald Louis Brown, who was arrested last month in South Carolina, is back in Michigan and is being held at the Oakland County Jail, according to Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh. Brown arrived in the county on April 5 and was arraigned the same day at 50th District Court in Pontiac on Felony Non-Support […]

OAC offers spring classes

The Orion Art Center is now registering youth and adults for their Spring Art Classes. Classes offered include: *Drawing Perspectives on Tuesdays, from April 17 to May 8 from 7-9 p.m. This four-week class will focus on techniques of perspective, light to dark, end composition and use of still life and landscape for inspiration. Pencil […]

Orion boys shine for GTC at states

Are you looking at a state champion? Many local boys competed recently at the State Championships in Cadillac to see who was tops in men’s gymnastics. Some of those boys have returned home as decorated athletes and the Gymnastic Training Center of Rochester (GTC) is their training ground. Here’s a look at how some of […]

Variety of youth sports offered by township

Do you have a child between the ages of 3 and 7 years old who has endless energy and shows an interest in sports? The Orion Township Parks & Recreation Department is offering a variety of instructional youth sports programs during the spring and summer season. The programs are intended to introduce children to a […]