A new cosmetology school offers Clarkston and Waterford-area residents a chance at cosmetology certification and a full-service salon with discount prices. Marketti Academy of Cosmetology opened March 13 and welcomes the public into its salon where senior students perform services under the supervision of one of the four instructors. Currently with 13 students, Marketti offers […]
Gov. Jennifer Granholm promised financial incentives to school districts that consolidate services. That’s already a priority for Clarkston Community School, said Dr. Al Roberts, superintendent. Clarkston is working with Oakland Intermediate School District and Oakland County Superintendents Association to share expenses in transportation, business, human resources, training, and technology, he said. ‘It’s becoming increasingly important […]
An eyesore that has been sitting on Sashabaw Road for the past four months will stay a few weeks more, causing residents to become worried about the image it creates for the township. “For a community dedicated to keeping it’s image up, it doesn’t do much for the image of the community,” said Independence Township […]
The consolidation ball is now in Clarkston’s court. The Independence Township Board voted April 3 to study consolidating with the Village of the City of Clarkston. But the study, which would be completed by Oakland County, also needs Clarkston’s approval. It would look into costs, pros, and cons of consolidating the two, said Oakland County […]
Freezing temperatures this past Friday didn’t keep two SCUBA divers out of Deer Lake. The swimmers were collecting samples from the lake bottom. Photo by Phil Custodio
With the weather warming up, it would be no surprise if the children are itching to go to the playground and the dog is begging for a long walk. Many parks in the area offer great facilities for spring and summer enjoyment. In downtown Clarkston, Depot Park, 375 Depot Rd., has a large playground, gazebo […]
In January, Joseph Wauldron noticed only two candidates were running for two open seats on the Board of Education. ‘I thought, I’ll make it three, to make it interesting,? he said. Wauldron, a ‘young 65,? is now one of four candidates on the ballot for the May 8 election. Why should voters select him for […]
I walked into the Clarkston police station at 3 East Church last week and stopped dead in my tracks. Call it surprise, call it disbelief, picture a giant question mark over my head; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There, behind the counter, was a Clarkston police officer. Asleep. ‘Hello?? I said it as […]
15 years ago – 1992 ‘Low voter turnout dooms bond issue? The bond issue for a new elementary school suffered a sound defeat April 11, 1992, as only 20 percent of the Clarkston school district’s registered voters went to the polls. It was defeated 2,516-1,621. The district had 21,000 registered voters. Superintendent Gary Haner said […]
Girl Scout Troop 1878, Independence Elementary, spent the past three weeks collecting food donations for Lighthouse North. April 3, the scouts, with Troop Leader Nancy Ritchey, stopped by the Sashabaw Road food pantry to deliver boxes filled with cans, jars, and boxes of food. Lighthouse North, on Sashabaw Road, is part of the non-profit charitable […]