By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- On Monday night, the township board made a resolution, 6-0, that they were in opposition to legislation that would allow township boards the option to have its elected offices appear as nonpartisan on the ballot. Trustee Kris Kordella was absent with notice. “Personally I am in the middle […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-The Brandon Township Library Board is seeking funds that were accidentally captured for the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) in 2017. On the yearly library millage, prior to 2017, a portion of the millage was captured and given to the DDA. Tax laws in 2017 changed, and this was an […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Monday night the school board of trustees convened for special meeting to consider architectural services for an upcoming facilities bond project. Three companies, Holland based, GMB Architecture & Engineering; Troy based, Integrated Design Solutions and Bloomfield Hills based, TMP Architecture, Inc. attended the meeting each providing a 45 minute presentation […]
Ortonville Village Clerk Liz Edwards putting out pinwheels in front of the Old Town Hall. Photo by Patrick McAbee. By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Oakland County has declared April as child abuse prevention and awareness month. Both the Village of Ortonville and Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance (BGYA) are putting out pinwheel gardens to show their […]
By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.-At 11:52 a.m., March 22, Brandon Fire Department engines were dispatched to the 100 block of Huff Lake Court for a structure fire. When firefighters arrived a 40 feet by 40 feet pole barn was engulfed in flames. The barn was not occupied at the time, however, a horse and […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- A new township cell tower could be operational could be operational next month. By a 5-0 vote on Dec. 18, 2017 the township board of trustees OK’d a request for a conditional use permit for a cell tower constructed on private property by Skyway Towers, LLC. The new 180 […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- On March 8, 2018, the village signed a contract with DTE to switch the light bulbs in the village to LED bulbs. To date, the village has saved $7,382.06. “That’s been a great return on our investment,” said council member Coleen Skornicka. All of the street lamps were switched […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- The village will be exploring trash hauling options after getting feedback from residents. Currently, residents pay for their own trash hauling services. The village council is concerned about the amount of blight this causes, since garbage cans are out multiple days a week, and the wear and tear on […]
Connor Ford watches Keith Cotalhy, a Mt.Holly ski instructor take a run last Sunday. The spring skiing included some unique water and snow activities. Photo by Patrick McAbee.
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Monday night during a special meeting, the village council voted 5-0 to apply for a grant that would fund limestone for village gravel roads. If the grant is approved Seneca, Kearsley and Huron streets along with Dutch Road and Park Drive would receive about 4 inches of limestone. Sheri Wilkerson, […]