Goodrich grads return home safe after Irma

David Fleet Editor Boca Raton, Fla.-RJ Pratt and his girlfriend Jamie Harris are safe. The 2011 Goodrich High School graduates are residents of Boca Raton, Fla. and live in an apartment about five miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Pratt is a graduate assistant at Florida Atlantic University where he is working on a masters […]

Michigan Task Force 1 heads to Florida

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-A team of 45 from the Michigan Task Force 1 packed up Sunday afternoon from the new mobilization center and headed south on an 11 day mission. The MTF1 was heading south to assit with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma which made landfall Sept. 10 over Cudjoe Key in the […]

Citizens of the Year Don & Margaret Kengerski

By David Fleet Editor After more than 40 years of serving the community The Citizen newspaper is proud to honor long-time Brandon Township residents Don and Margaret Kengerski as the 2017 Citizens of the Year. “We’re proud to be members of this community and just love the people here,” said Don Kengerski, 86. “Margaret and […]

Chickens now foul in village

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville-By a 4-3 on Aug. 28 the village council voted to direct the village manager to enforce the current animal ordinance that makes owning a chickens along with cows, horses, pigs, goats, pigeons, geese, ducks or any other animal, fowl or insect except birds, dogs, cats or other harmless and domesticated […]

Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.- A World War II hero and local enterprising business owners are the 2017 inductees for the Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame honoring former Brandon High School and Ortonville High School graduates. Pvt. Leo Flood along with Clark and Lori Cook will be formally inducted into the Ed and Diane […]

Glasgow vet school student returns home

By David Fleet Editor Chloe Grounds recalls a recent four week stint at the Jivdaya Charitable Trust, a non-government animal welfare organization that provides medical care to un-owned domestic animals in Ahmedabad, India. “We treated anything that came in the clinic,” said Grounds, 25, a 2010 Brandon High School graduate and former Brandon Township resident. […]

Brandon Township sets trail meetings

Two meetings have been set to discuss the proposed Iron Belle Trail through in Brandon Township. At 8 p.m., Sept. 21, the Trails sub-committee will be making a presentation to the Township Board of Trustees at the Brandon High School Preforming Arts Center. The presentation will include answers to the many questions the sub-committee compiled […]

Commission votes to dump senior housing complex rezoing

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- By a 4-2 vote on Wednesday night the village planning commission denied a proposal to rezone vacant property from Low Density Residential to a Residential Planned Unit Development on about 5.5 acres on the north side of Hegel Road about 600 feet east of M-15. Planning commission members Dennis Andrezik, […]

Township board narrows trail options

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.- By a 4-3 vote on Tuesday night the township board of trustees removed Route A from consideration as possible connection segment with the Iron Belle Trail. Treasurer Darnall, Clerk Allen, Trustee Marshall and Trustee Broughton voted yes. Supervisor Thurman, Trustee DePalma and Trustee Kordella voted no. Route A which […]

Michigan Task Force 1 Mobilization Center open house

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.– On the anniversary of 9/11 a major step forward toward preparedness in the event of a disaster will be unveild in the township. From 11-11:30 a.m, Sept. 11, the Michigan Task Force 1 Mobilization Center storage warehouse will be open for pubic tours. State Rep. Laura Cox, of Livonia, […]