Spring one acts

‘I Never Saw Another Butterfly’ and ‘The Actor’s Nightmare’ at Goodrich High School Performing Arts Center April 20-23

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich -From the horrors of the Holocaust to the humor of an unprepared actor’s understudy—a pair of one act plays provides a contrast and variety in entertainment. At 7 p.m., April 20, 21 and 22 & 2:30 p.m., April 23, the Goodrich High School Theatre will present “I Never Saw Another […]

Goodrich coach Dennis Storrs inducted into National Wrestling Hall of Fame

By David Fleet Editor After four years of wrestling, Goodrich High School Senior John Powers had won just a few matches. “It was the 1993 regional versus Bendle High School and our team was on the cusp of a berth in the state team championship,” recalls Dennis Storrs, then-GHS head coach wrestling coach. “At 189 […]

Remembering the Joe Louis Arena

By David Fleet Editor Jay Stark was a 17-year-old from western Canada when he was drafted by the National Hockey League’s Detroit Red Wings and signed a three-year contract as a defenseman. “In 1986 I remember making the trip to Detroit and a game at the Joe Louis Arena,” said Stark, who grew up in […]

No problem: Brandon wins states, ticket to Future Problem Solving International

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp .- They began by dealing with educational disparity, then moved on to disentangling gene modification, before clearing up 3D printing, and finally tackling identity theft. It’s been quite a year for the Brandon Future Problem Solvers and their hard work and efforts have been rewarded— Brandon teams earned […]

Proposed budget cuts may threaten local funds

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. -If approved, proposed federal budget cuts by President Donald Trump would affect people most in need of assistance in this community. Trump released a proposed budget last month that included elimination of Community Development Block Grant funds, $3 billion in 2017, and for which, on average, the township […]

Child abuse:Predator faces life in prison

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer A man accused of sexually abusing two children in Brandon Township will answer to the charges more than seven years after the allegations were first made. Floyd Arthur Boyce, 53, was arraigned March 8 on three counts of criminal sexual conduct first degree on a person under the age of […]

More charges in underage sex case

By David Fleet Editor A Goodrich businessman and resident who was arrested on July 18, 2016 after he allegedly used the social media app Grindr to attract a 14-year-old boy into his home for sex now faces new charges related to sexually explicit photos discovered in the investigation. Last July village resident Terry Cadarette was […]

New friends for Ortonville fireworks

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville – The Chamber of Commerce may have flamed out, but a non-profit community organization has stepped up to make sure the fireworks show does not. The Friends of AMOS (Always Making Ortonville Strong) will take over fundraising and planning for the 2017 Ortonville Fireworks following the dissolution of the […]

‘Make’ it happen

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich -Benjamin Hodsdon is a marker on a mission. The 16-year-old Brandon Township resident recently launched a GoFundMe campaign (gofundme.com/a-building-for-make-initiative) to raise funds to purchase an historic 130-year-old building located at 10241 Hegel Road. If successful, Hodsdon and other area makers will convert the 4,000 square foot structure to the area’s […]

Septic checks for chosen few eyed

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville – Nearly one-third of septic systems in the village are at-risk of failure. This is far above the average in the county and enough to prompt a recommendation for a septic ordinance and maintenance plan from Randy Gregory, who issued a septic risk assessment at the village council’s March […]