Pipeline property restoration draws ire of resident

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. – Three years after Enbridge replaced the Line 6B petroleum pipeline in the township, Chad Rummel said his property still hasn’t been restored as promised by the company. “I think everyone thought we were done, and the problem won’t go away,” said Rummel, who resides off Granger Road […]

Ownership, care of historic Atlas Baptist Cemetery debated

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- The graves of Mary Hebbard, a direct descendant of William Bradford, Plymouth Colony and Oliver Palmer, son of Colonel John Palmer of the Continental Army are just two historical interments near the intersection of Gale and Perry roads. The landmark graves are part of the Atlas Baptist Church Community […]

BHS exchange: Japan and Vietnam

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brigitte Todd is providing a home for two foreign exchange students this year, Honoka Kanno and Giang Le, who hail from Japan and Vietnam, respectively, and very much liking their company. “I enjoy hosting exchange students as they open my eyes to new and exciting things,” said Todd. “It’s fascinating […]

Passover: The Seder feast

By David Fleet Editor Sundown April 10 marks the beginning of Passover, which commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. A Seder feast to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover, will be at 5 p.m., April 9, hosted by the Goodrich United Methodist Church, 8071 South State Road. Reservations are required […]

Iron Belle Trail public hearing

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville – Despite opposition that has stalled the trail in Brandon Township and threatens to halt it in the village, Dave Van Dis still hopes to see trails in this community. Toward that end, he plans to be in attendance at the village council meeting set for 7 p.m., Monday, […]

Gun dog training, kennel business expanding

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp. -It was the right mix. Fred Saber had trained dogs professionally for more than two decades—so when the opportunity to expand his business by taking over Maple Lane Kennels from the former owners who were retiring came up, it was an easy choice. “It just came together for us,” […]

Brandon: Get ready for community education

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. – Community education is thriving in surrounding districts, but has suffered here in recent years, with few classes offered and no clear direction. That is about to change. At their March 20 meeting, the school board approved 6-0 a proposal for community education in which Jan Meek, current […]

Appalachian Trail adventure

Fourteen states; 2,189 miles—local takes on longest marked trail in United States

Appalachian Trail adventure

Lynne Wummel began hiking the Appalachian Trail on Mt. Springer in Georgia just over a week ago. The Brandon Township native plans to complete her journey in August in Maine. Photo provided. By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Lynne Wummel is living her dream. On March 7, she climbed Mt. Springer in Georgia to start a […]

Township eyed for marijuana grow, process facility

‘Marijuana is moving out of the criminal context and into a state regulated business’

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp .- On Monday night the board of trustees discussed a tentative proposal for a commercial medical marijuana growing and processing facility in the township. Kirsch Leach, of Birmingham-based KL Attorneys, provided some background along with a potential area in the township his client would like to be considered for […]

Ortonville DDA has received national accreditation

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville -On March 2 the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) conducted its annual organization assessment with the assistance of Main Street Oakland County and the National Main Street program. This marks the 11th consecutive year that the Ortonville DDA has received national accreditation. “This accreditation is an endorsement of the hard […]