By David Fleet Editor Goodrich – On Feb. 8, the school district joined others statewide in the spring student count day. District wide, enrollment dropped from 2,094 in February 2016 to 2,061 in 2017—down 33 students. While the high school, Oaktree and Reid elementary schools all posted gains in enrollment at the middle school, which […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Det./Sgt. Andy Goldberg is the newest addition to the crew who protects and serves the township. The 47-year-old who has 18 years of service with OCSO, joined the Brandon substation last week, replacing Det./Sgt. Dale Brown, who returns to duty at the OCSO dispatch […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Matheus Dias and Carolina Pari are getting the experience of a lifetime this school year. Matheus, 15, a native of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Carolina, 17, who hails from Rimini, Italy, are classmates and exchange students studying at Brandon High School since August and while it is exciting […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich -On Monday night the village planning commission voted 7-0 to rezone about 5.5 acres on the north side of Hegel Road about 600 feet east of M-15 from Low Density Residential—which allows for single family homes to Planned Unit Development designed for a variety of housing development such as condominiums. […]
Council sets hearing date for grant, land purchase
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville – A public hearing at which information will be presented regarding the proposed Iron Belle Trail and the village council will accept input from the community is planned for 7 p.m., March 27, at the township offices, 395 Mill St. The public hearing, which is necessary for two grant […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. – There was a bonfire of sorts at the library on Wednesday. A controlled burn of phragmites was conducted by the Brandon Fire Department, authorized by township and library officials. Phragmites are an invasive species and the library was a demonstration site for their management. “The phragmites were […]
The reorganization is the second for the district since 2013, when Belle Ann Elementary closed
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School will close this year. The school board unanimously approved a reconfiguration of buildings in the district during their Feb. 20 meeting to take effect for the 2017-18 school year. The plan will mean Kindergarten through fifth grades will be taught at Oakwood Elementary and […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp .- Parents in the district are being asked to complete a survey that will help in determining exactly what is taught in schools regarding sex and at what grades information is given. The survey was emailed this week to all parents who have children enrolled in the district […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. – A township couple that tried to cover up a domestic assault by filming a new version of events is facing felony charges now instead of what would have been a misdemeanor charge against the husband. Jeffrey Allan Gentry, 48, and Alyson Lynn Gentry, 36, were each arraigned […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-The Gale Road pathway started to take shape earlier this month. Trees were removed along the south side of Gale Road between the Goodrich High School and the Village of Atlas prior to moving gas and utilities to the east side of the road. The pathway should be completed by […]