Whiteout causes I-75 37 vehicle pile-up

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Groveland Twp. – Shortly before 2:30 p.m. last Saturday, a whiteout descended upon I-75 in the township. Moments later, the crashes began in the northbound lanes. Within minutes, 37 vehicles, including four semi-trucks and a U-Haul truck, were piled up on the freeway, with emergency responders rushing to the scene […]

Rush elected president of Community Papers of Michigan

Don Rush, assistant publisher for The Citizen, was elected the new president of Community Papers of Michigan (CPM), a statewide trade association. “Don Rush is an excellent choice to lead our association,” said CPM Executive Director Jack Guza. “Don has been a Board Member of CPM for the past four years, and is a true […]

Lucky dog: Vet removes ball lodged in shepherd’s throat

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Achilles is one very lucky dog. When the 100-pound German Shepherd arrived at the Ortonville Animal Hospital the day after Thanksgiving, he had a ball lodged in his throat, and yet, unlike most dogs Dr. Nancy Flanagin has seen in the same predicament in her veterinary career, Achilles was […]

CCTS delivers again

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-More than 200 children in the Brandon School District will have a merrier Christmas this year thanks to the Community Christmas Toy Store. The non-profit organization that collects donations of toys to benefit children in low-income families during the holidays set up shop this past week and again pulled […]

Board OKs $500K for county/township park

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. – The township will have its first county park. On Dec. 7, the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board convened at Lansing Community College to announce their decision on 27 applications seeking more than $31 million in requests for funding statewide. A grant for $540,200 sought by the Genesee […]

Area clerks assist with Michigan recount

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Division in this country was glaringly apparent in the Nov. 8 presidential election in which Donald Trump triumphed in the electoral college but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. The divide continued with votes being recounted in Michigan and local clerks helping with the process prior to a federal judge’s […]

Santa Dog, Reindogs to visit Bueche’s

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp. -A box of kittens. A dog tied to the door knob. Two white birds. When Carl Liepmann arrives at work in the morning at the Genesee County Humane Society each week he finds something different. “If it walks or flies we’ve had it on our doorstep,” he said. “It’s […]

Dear Santa,

Mrs. Davert’s second grade class at Harvey Swanson Elementary provide their Christmas lists for Santa Claus

Mrs. Davert’s second grade class at Harvey Swanson Elementary provide their Christmas lists for Santa Claus.  Dear Santa , How are your reindeer? I’ve been a good boy. Thank you for the gifts. Thank you for the scooter. Happy Merry Christmas! Love, Troy Dear Santa , How are you and Mrs. Claus? I have been […]

Literacy law

Michigan is only of only five states that have shown negative improvement for early reading since 2003

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp. – Very few students in the district repeat a grade, and almost none beyond second grade. That number should remain unchanged despite PA 306 of 2016, recently signed by Gov. Rick Snyder, and under which beginning in the 2018-19 school year, third grade students that do not test […]

Pitbull owner gets aggressive

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp .-Police responding to pitbulls at large found the dogs’ owner to be aggressive. According to an Oakland County Sheriff’s Office report, township deputies were called at 2:19 p.m., Nov. 28 to assist Oakland County Animal Control with pitbulls at large in the 3000 block of Sherwood Road. Upon […]