New owners tee up new course for Atlas Valley Country Club

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. – After more than six decades, the Atlas Valley Country Club is under new ownershp. On Nov. 30, Goodrich residents Jason and Andrea Bescoe purchased the business from the Henrickson family—Mark Henrickson, Laurie Welsh, Steve Henrickson, and Randi Rota, who had owned the historic course for 64 years. Mark […]

A world away

Mongolian GHS student adjusts to life, culture in United States

By David Fleet Editor Tushig Orkhon is from the other side of the planet. Literally. Known to his Goodrich High School classmates as “Tuska,” the 15-year-old is from Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia and a 6,000 mile journey from Goodrich that for him featured a 12 hour non-stop trip flight from Beijing to Chicago. […]

Santa arrives

Santa arrives

Several hundred welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Claus on Saturday in downtown Ortonville. Check out The Citizen print edition this weekend for a complete report. Photo by Cris Yuchasz

Sewers not flushed yet

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– Voters may have flushed a sewer proposal a year ago, but it’s not down the drain yet. At the village council’s Nov. 28 meeting, Village Manager David Trent announced his plans to meet with Rowe Engineering as well as local officials to discuss possible collaborative efforts as well as […]

District audit clean, fund balance continues to grow

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-By a 7-0 vote on Monday night the school board of trustees accepted an audit from Lewis & Knopf for the 2015-16 fiscal year ending June 30. The audit was presented by Antia Abrol, principal. The district ended the 2015-16 fiscal year with a fund balance of 10.01 percent or $1,845,088, […]

Back to jail: Burglar a convicted murderer

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer A DNA trail and a criminal history including murder led to the arrest of a man wanted for two July burglaries in Brandon Township. Oakland County Sheriff’s Office deputies and the Fugitive Apprehension Team located Randall Lee Holcomb, 43, on Nov. 21 at a residence in Taylor and took him […]

Hometown Heroes

Army Specialist 4 Richard Kepsel and Army Private First Class Ashtin Kepsel are a married couple serving together at Ft. Bragg, N.C. Richard is a 2009 Goodrich High School graduate. His wife Ashtin is an Austin, Texas native. They have been married a year and they have both served in the Army for the past […]

No grow

Council extinguishes medical marijuana facilities

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– On Tuesday morning, Village Manager David Trent fielded a phone call from an individual who wanted to meet and discuss establishment of a medical marijuana facility in the village. The meeting won’t be happening, however, and the conversation was ended rather quickly when Trent told the caller the village […]

Big buck boast bags big fines

By David Fleet Editor A Groveland Township deer hunter will maybe think twice before showing off his big buck on social media again. Conservation Officer Justin Muehlhauser of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources reported that at 5 p.m., Nov. 2 a deer hunter posted a picture of an eight-point buck on Facebook that he […]

Gun safety lesson fails with accidental shot

Brandon Twp.- A township man’s lesson in gun safety was a failure after he discharged the weapon, damaging his own home as well as a neighbor’s, leading to a police response and discovery of his marijuana stash. According to an Oakland County Sheriff’s Office report, Brandon deputies responded at about 3 p.m., Nov. 29, to […]