Township man faces felonious assault with a baton

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville-An angry uncle is facing a felonious assault charge after he hit his niece’s boyfriend in the head with a baton. Oakland County Sheriff’s Office deputies from the Brandon Township substation responded at 11:06 a.m., Sept. 22 to the parking lot of an apartment building on Myron Street for a […]

Scruffy to Fluffy moves to downtown Ortonville

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– Scruffy to Fluffy has a new home. The pet salon now has its own shop located at 421 Mill St. in the village. “I love the town, I grew up here and I love the people,” said Jan Coley, co-owner of Scruffy to Fluffy, and a Goodrich resident. “It’s […]

Unlicensed driver charged with reckless driving, resisting police

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer A woman who ran another vehicle off the road didn’t bargain on an off-duty police officer witnessing the incident. The off-duty Brandon deputy was northbound on Ortonville Road just north of Seymour Lake Road at about 3:53 p.m., Sept. 21 when he saw the white SUV in front of him […]

Ortonville council approves septic risk assessment

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– Village officials should soon have a better idea of which properties in the village have a greater risk of septic system failure. At their Sept. 26 meeting, the village council unanimously approved the hiring of Enviro-Assist to conduct a septic system risk assessment at a cost not to exceed […]

Infrastructure impact study needed, commission delays apartment decision

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich– On Monday night, the village planning commission voted to postpone a request for 120 days to change the zoning from general commercial to multiple-family residential district on about 10 acres at 7293 South State Road just south of Yellow Dog. If the zoning change is approved or denied by the […]

‘Gone With the Wind’

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.– Kathleen Marcaccio was 11-years-old in the spring of 1969 when her mother took her to the theater to see “Gone With the Wind.” She fell in love with the epic 1939 film and the next day, she checked out from the library Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 book on which […]

Hope Network drops Goodrich project

Former hospice facility back on market after plans dropped

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-Plans to put a new occupant in a former village hospice facility by the end of the year have fizzled. Last month, correspondence from Deb Mock, Executive Director of Behavioral Health at Hope Network, to the village indicated that Genesys Health Systems, owners of the former Goodrich Hospice Care Center, 7280 […]

Ortonville DDA seeks input for downtown future

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– The DDA needs your help. The Downtown Development Authority invites everyone who has an interest in this village’s future to attend community engagement sessions at 7:30 a.m or 6 p.m., Oct. 6 at the Brandon Township Library, 304 South St. Input from business owners, property owners, residents and community […]

Oakland Mines State Park to open in 2018, more land eyed

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.– The new muliti-use state park project which includes an off-road vehicle course created on former gravel mining ground may be named Oakland Mines State Park. Jon Noyes, principal planner with Oakland County Parks, made the announcement during the township planning commission meeting on Monday night. “The park name is […]

Brandon Class of 17 to graduate at home stadium

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.– The Class of 2017 is bringing it home for graduation. Fall is just underway, but Brandon High School seniors are looking forward to commencement and have made their case for hosting the ceremony at a familiar venue— the BHS football stadium. “The kids are pretty excited about the […]