CHS, Mesquite Creek team up to build schools

Clarkston High School students were off of school on Presidents Day Feb. 17, and many of them were likely taking it easy that day.
Yet, CHS senior Lindsay Tigue and her fellow Student Council members were on hand at Mesquite Creek Steakhouse anyway, helping to raise money for Building with Books, a program aimed at building schools in Third World countries.
Mesquite Creek, located on M-15 in Clarkston, donated a portion of its proceeds to Building with Books. According to Tigue, a total of $600 was raised that day for the program.
Student Council advisor Brian Zezula is proud of Tigue and her fellow students for their efforts. “She did a great job with it,” Zezula said of Tigue, who spearheaded the fundraiser. “It was on President’s Day and there was no school, so that was even harder.”
According to Zezula, the Michigan Association of Student Councils, of which Clarkston is a member, picks a charity each year and asks its members to help raise money for that charity. This year, the MASC picked Building with Books.
“They very selectively pick safe locations in Third World countries to build schools,” Zezula said of MASC’s mission.
According to Tigue, the council took an active role in making sure the fundraiser went off successfully. “I made the phone calls to the restaurant, and the class helped with promoting it,” she said. “Some people in the class made a commercial for school announcements.
Tigue also stated a number of students ate at Mesquite Creek that day to help out the cause.