Clarkston Foundation honors exceptional students

Some readers are probably familiar with the Clarkston Foundation; but most did not have the opportunity to attend the breakfast that this organization sponsored for thirty-two of our finest math and science students! What a great experience this was for our honored students and what an eye opener it was for the adults in the audience. Most of us listened in awe as their teachers described the achievements of these young people. The unique description of each honoree was impressive, thought provoking, and in some cases rather humorous. I remember one of our teachers describing the extraordinary excitement that his pupil displayed in class, and the reaction that the other members of the class had toward this young lady’s enthusiasm. The moral of that story and many of the stories told on this day was simple; the love of learning can really be contagious!
Now, as much as I love that particular message, there were many thoughts shared on this fine morning. For example, Linda Judd, an executive with EDS and a member of our community, spoke to the youngsters about the uniqueness of the human spirit. In her comments, Linda touched upon exceptional female students in the areas of science. She profiled some of today’s best and brightest students and the field of study they are pursuing. I should also mention that through Linda’s efforts, EDS has partnered with the Clarkston Foundation to offer a summer science academy.
In addition to the encouraging comments made by Mrs. Judd, I had the opportunity to address those in attendance. In my message, I complimented them for a job well done and reminded them that future success was in their own capable hands. I advised them that our faculty and staff were there to help them along the way; but the maintenance of a positive attitude and commitment toward learning was their very own responsibility. After all, the truth is that no one can succeed for someone else. Given their reaction, I must admit that I am expecting big things from this cadre of Clarkston scholars. Please take a look at the names of the honorees:

Clarkston High School
Alexis Denz, Joseph Knakal, James Shanks, Stephanie Seto, Maureen Kuhta, Kelly Boskee, Eric Gauthier, Sarah Mahrle, Gillian Nordquist, Carrie Wojciechowski, Brian Arpke, Elizabeth Gorz, Frank Davis, Courtney Henderson, Jill Bukoski and Ian Sabbag

Sashabaw Middle School
Ryan McLatcher, Jarret Pesola, Ruth Wang, Matthew Hokanson, Teresa Creech, William Fisk, Bryan Culver and Jaime Shaw

Clarkston Middle School
Andrew Cabaj, Adam Drews, Rachelle Fox, Lauren Frank, Kelsi Blauvelt, Steven Harvey, Alex Millard-Swan and Ellen Rimar.

Most people understand that quality schools and great teachers nurture academic excellence and we can truly be proud of Clarkston in this regard. My 30+ years of experience also tells me that the attitudes of the students themselves and the support they receive from the adults in their lives are also critical in the quest for success.
In addition to feeling appreciated, I think the youngsters left this celebratory breakfast with an understanding that the community’s support for academic excellence is strong! The Clarkston Foundation certainly made that clear by sponsoring this recognition event. The foundation has a long history supporting innovative and unique programs. They have, for example, funded projects like the ‘Catch the Waves Physics Assemblies,? various musical, dance and theatrical performances, author days, and special lectures.
It is interesting to note that the members of the Clarkston Foundation include many individuals who no longer have a direct student connection to our schools. In this community, the commitment that people make to support our youngsters lasts well beyond the graduation of their respective children.
Not many places can make such a claim and this is one reason Clarkston is such a special place. The Foundation Board of Directors includes Jim Evans, Larry Stout, Ed Adler, Patty Barnett, Lou Beer, Brent Cooley, Linda Judd, Craig Kahler, Todd Moss and school representatives Dave Reschke and Becky Kelly. These individuals seem to have taken the words of a popular athletic company’s motto because they ‘Just do it.?
From my perspective, they do it for the right reason – the ongoing support of this country’s most precious resource – our young people.