Clarkston teams tackle world problems, earn trophies

Have a problem? Future Problem Solvers from Clarkston can solve it.
Students from Clarkston Community Schools did as they faced the topic of Food Distribution in the Future Problem Solving Program’s State Bowl, April 17 and 18.
Four teams represented by middle school, junior high, and high school students took the top first and second places.
The sixth grade team from Sashabaw Middle School, composed of Nicole Cattin, Jillian Ritchey, Megan Nicholson and Karas Mantz became state champions for their first place finish in the Team Booklet Writing Competition. They took second in the presentation of the action plan.
The other sixth grade team, Connor Kornas, Delaney Brown, Tori Regan and Zachary Evans took first place in their presentation of the action plan and second in the Team Booklet Writing Competition.
Both competed in the junior division, made of fourth, fifth and sixth graders.
The eighth grade team from Clarkston Junior High School competed in the middle division, taking first place in the Team Booklet Writing Competition as well as in the presentation of the action plan. Matt Dahl, Trevor Torres, Dan Agnew and Wyatt Jones made up the team.
Sophomores Nadia Torres, Jacob Kornas, Sarah Keller and Abbey Hubregson competed in the senior division and took second place in the Team Booklet Writing Competition and third in the presentation of the Action Plan.
All teams are invited to compete in the Internaional Future Problem Solvers Bowl at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse, Wisconsin, June 10-13.
Only five of Michigan’s top performing teams are selected to go – leaving only one spot for another team.
‘It speaks volumes about the caliber of education our students are receiving here in Clarkston Community Schools,? said coach Holly Kornas. ‘As well as the high-level thinking skills these students were able to showcase at the state level of compeition. We are so proud of all our Future Problem Solvers and are confident the skills they are practicing will serve them well their entire lives.?
The teams participate in Future Problem Solving from November to April in a segment called team global problem solving.
They must do extensive research during each round of competition. Then, they give a futuristic scenario applying creative and critical thinking while completing an 11-page booklet using a six step process.
Clarkston teams researched sensory overload, invasive species and orphaned children as the topics.
The booklets are sent away to be scored and judged by evaluators to see if they advance to the next level.
The teams knew the topic for the State Bowl would be Food Distribution but were not given specific details until the booklet was handed out during competition.
? Wendi Reardon