Clarskton students excel at OSMTech competition

Several students from the Oakland Science, Math and Technology Academy of Clarkston took home awards from the University of Detroit Technology Day Competition on Oct. 21. Clarkston students won top awards in several catergories including four first places.
The awards are as follows:
Rube Goldberg ?
Second place winners were CJHS ninth-graders Matt Buckley, Joshua Nelson, Billy Dieterich and Chass Bakker.
Third place winners were CJHS ninth-graders Curtis Riley, Andy Reed, Cole Schaffer and Chelsea Grainer.
Catapult ?
Second place winners were CJHS ninth-grader Michael Schreiber and CHS tenth-grader Dan Ulrich.
Third place winner was CHS tenth-grader David Crosby.
King of the Hill (mousetrap car) ?
First place winners were CHS seniors Alex Hardy and Jesse Livezy.
Straw Tower ?
Second place winner was CHS senior Alex Hardy.
Science and Math Jeopardy:
First place winners were CHS seniors Alex Hardy and Jesse Livezy.