Clean Ortonville audit, healthy fund balance

Ortonville- The village has received a ‘clean? audit.
Steven Kidd, an auditor from Lewis & Knopf, addressed the council during its Nov. 28 meeting, saying that all village funds have positive balances.
‘The records coming in are good,? said Kidd. ‘You planned to break even (on revenues and expenditures), but you are positive $39,602. All in all, things went well. It’s very clean.?
Total village revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 were $825,672, exceeding expenditures of $785,870, said Village Manager John Lyons. The village has a fund balance now of $575,877. He notes that the fund balance was closer to $1 million, but the village spent money on some road projects this year, totaling about $262,000. More road maintenance projects are planned for next year and Lyons said the village continues to look at the prospect of putting sewers in.
‘The saga continues,? he said. ‘It’s good we got the clean audit, which we expected. We have a healthy fund balance and are moving forward in serving the village.?