Cleaning society, one hand at a time

Sashabaw Middle School seventh grade students in Julie Renaker’s health classes learned the importance of soap and shared their knowledge as part of the Holiday Stocking Project at Lighthouse North of Oakland County.
The students created homemade bars of soap and boxes to put them in ? creating their own unique design on the boxes with an informational tidbit about the importance of using soap.
Mrs. Renaker demonstrated to the students how soap makes the germs slide off their hands.
She put water into a bowl, sprinkled pepper on top and quickly added a drop of soap. The pepper reacted by sliding to the side of the bowl.
They learned why soap is important and why they were making soap to donate to Lighthouse North ? because not everyone has soap.
They also learned interesting facts.
“One of the facts the students learned is from a 2006 American Society of Microbiology study,” Renaker began. “It revealed only 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men wash their hands after using the toilet. Only 33 percent of middle and high school female students wash their hand and only 8 percent of males.”
Students at the middle school participate in the Holiday Stocking Project every year.
For more information, go to and
? Wendi Reardon