Community-wide day of service

Calvary Lutheran Church and Clarkston Community Schools are partnering for this year’s Green Apple Community Service Day this Sunday beginning at 10 a.m.
The Oct. 13 service day includes a community-wide fall clean-up at the Clarkston schools.
Volunteers from Clarkston Community Schools, Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston Community Church, Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce, plus other churches and community organizations, will blanket the community to perform a variety of service projects.
‘An opportunity has arisen to partner with Clarkston Schools in a service initiative called Green Apple Community Service Day, something they were planning to do on Sept. 28,? said the Rev. Jonathan Heierman, pastor at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church. ‘They were willing to reschedule to mid-October on a Sunday to partner with us and make it a bigger community effort.??
The community day developed from the My Habitat Clarkston network established last year to help a family find a home.
‘This will also build on the partnership Clarkston Community Church forged last spring with the schools during their impact day,? Heierman said. ‘We are ‘very excited about broadening the impact of our efforts so that it is well beyond a Calvary thing and gets others from our community involved.?
Volunteers are needed at Sashabaw Middle School to trim bushes, weed and spread mulch in the beds in front of the building, plus general grounds cleanup and window washing.
‘Please bring your rakes, shovels and wheelbarrows. The PTA will provide water and snacks for volunteers at our school,? said Kelli Horst, president of the middle school PTA
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