Consider, ‘Heroes Field?

To the editor:
I have a small problem with naming the football field ‘Miracle Field.? (The Citizen, Feb.9, ?’Miracle Stadium? or ‘Miracle Field? great choices for new complex,? page 7.)
While I agree something to show our support of this family and this young man is needed, he is not the only man from Ortonville to have lost his life in a conflict. We need to be just as supportive of those families, no matter how many years have passed. Why not name it ‘Heroes Field?, or ‘Heroes Stadium? and have plaques with each person’s name who lost their life while serving our country who came from Ortonville placed on a wall near the scoreboard, or at the base of the scoreboard? That would be a much more equitable arrangement, to my way of thinking.
I think this way it would show that we appreciate ALL our young men and women who choose to be part of our military, and our pride in the ones who gave their lives for our freedoms.
Melody Wood