Copper Hills offers youth course in golf basics

Hey, kids! Looking for something fun and sporty to do this summer? Copper Hills Golf Course has something for you.
Beginning July 9 and continuing each Monday until August 6, Copper Hills (2125 Lakeville Rd) will offer the first annual Junior Golf Program, a hands-on opportunity for youngsters to learn how to play the game.
Led by Holly High School JV golf coach Tom Voyer and golf pro Bob Pohl, this program is a five-week course in the basics of golf.
Participants will be divided into two groups: ages 7-12 and 12-16. The younger group will meet from 2:30-3:30 p.m. each Monday, with the older group scheduled for the hour immediately following.
The curriculum for the five week program will alternate between long and short game. Three of the weeks will be devoted to full swing training on the driving range, and two weeks will focus young golfers on play on and around the green.
Voyer envisions the youth golf training program will provide ‘a starting point? for fledgling golfers. Voyer said he attended a similar camp when he was younger, and ‘it definitely got me into the game.? He expects the junior golf program to do the same for others.
A lot of kids ‘haven’t even swung a club before,? Voyer said, so the camp wants to get the youngsters ‘in the habit of hitting the ball.? The five-week camp will impart lessons on all-important aspects needed for golfing success, elements like getting a routine down, and learning how to practice so the young athletes can improve on their own.
Cost to attend is $25 per week, which includes all the range balls you can swing a mashie-niblick at, and hands-on personalized instruction from two master golfers. The program is open to girls and boys.
To sign up or ask questions about the July 9 through August 6 Copper Hills Junior Golf Program, contact Tom Voyer at 248-969-9808.