By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
At 1:15 p.m., Oct. 6, the 39th annual Ortonville area CROP Walk will be at the Ortonville United Methodist Church at 93 Church St. Registration following that will be warm-up exercises. The walk begins at 2 p.m. This is the 50th year for the CROP Walk event nation-wide.
The three mile trek will help battle world hunger by donating 25 percent of the funds to the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund food pantry, while the other 75 percent will go to the Church World Service.
The CWS works with the goal of building a world where there is enough for all in mind, according to their website. They will distribute the funds to places in the world suffering from hunger due to poverty and places without clean drinking water.
“’Fifty years—fifty walkers!’ We hope to have a minimum of 50 walkers represented this year to honor and celebrate the 50 years of walkers, along with a monetary goal of $5,000,” said Sue Sirgany, a member of the committee for the walk. “The funds raised help families abroad and at home to develop sustainable means of procuring food and water. Locally the walk benefits O.C.E.F.”
One activity that is popular with families is the scavenger hunt that walkers can participate in along the walk, which includes trivia questions about the community. Light refreshments will also be available to walkers at the end of the walk.
Though multiple churches in the area are helping with the walk in some way, no church affiliation is necessary.
“Everyone is invited to walk to end hunger,” said Sirgany.