District buildings now Heart Safe

By David Fleet
Goodrich — All the buildings in the Goodrich School District are now HEARTSafe.
On Aug. 26, during the district school board meeting Goodrich Athletic Director Rob McRae along with Athletic Trainer Gabby Townsend announced the recently earned designation.
“As a district we were doing 80-90% of these plans which were already in place,” said McRae. “It was a matter of fine-tuning the plan, tying them into athletes, physical education teachers and signage. We also made sure the AEDS were up and functional.”
The HEARTSafe designation recognizes a school’s efforts to prevent sudden cardiac death of the young or SCDY by preparing for a cardiac emergency. Members of the school community know how to recognize the signs of a sudden cardiac arrest and respond quickly by calling 9-1-1 and using CPR and an automated external defibrillator until EMS arrives. Automated external defibrillators, AEDs are portable, life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly.
“The program commends schools that already have in place things to decrease cardiac death in children,” said Townsend. “So basically, this school district is prepared. We hope to never use these skills in an emergency, however, we are now ready.”
The application to HEARTSafe is due in May of each year for Goodrich School buildings, Reid, Oaktree, Middle School and High School. In June the district was notified all the criteria were met.
To receive a MI HEARTSafe School designation, schools like Goodrich are required to provide a written medical emergency response plan and team that can respond to an emergency during school hours and after-school activities and sports; Current CPR/AED certification of at least 10% of staff and 50% of coaches, including 100% of head coaches and physical education staff; accessible, properly maintained and inspected AEDs with signs identifying locations; annual cardiac emergency response drills and re-participation sports screening of all student athletes using the current physical and history form endorsed by MHSAA.
The award is for three years and banners will be displayed on buildings.

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