Dear editor:
Finally, a voice of reason in the newspaper (‘Let’s conduct ourselves with constructive actions,? The Citizen, March 15, page 7).
Thank you, Mr.Wiley for your excellent letter. Know that many parents in this school district agree with your sentiments, myself included. While we may not always agree with every decision the school board or superintendent makes, we elected them as our representatives. We understand that they work together as a unit and make decisions based upon what they feel is in the best interest for our students and our community after much research and deliberation.
I always find it interesting that people come out of the woodwork to criticize the decisions made by the people who have volunteered to serve their community, but are nowhere to be found when things are going well. If we have standing-room-only crowds at the school board meetings, why do I not see more candidates? names on the ballot when I am voting for school board members? Oh yes, because people do not want to stand up and be responsible for making decisions that might not always be popular. They would prefer to criticize those that do.
If you don’t like the decisions that are being made, get involved. Volunteer to serve on a committee or a board, whether it be the school board, a parent group, PTA, or booster group, such as athletic boosters, choir boosters, or band boosters. Many of those who have complained the loudest have never served on a board and have no understanding about what it takes to make the hard decisions, which will inevitably make someone upset.
I think it is time for people to start acting like adults and work constructively with one another to set a positive example for our children. Personally, I am tired of reading negative articles about our school district in the area papers and would like to see the papers have positive things to report.
Please, drop your personal vendettas and volunteer to be part of the solution in this district, not the problem.
Sue Daley
Brandon School District Parent