By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Ortonville — At the regular meeting on Monday night, the Ortonville Village Council unanimously approved the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority Class of 2029 board appointments, including the appointment of new member Dana DePalma.
“I am excited to be a part of the DDA board,” said DePalma, Brandon Township Treasurer. “I have always attended their events and am now looking forward to being involved with the DDA and assisting them to accomplish their goals of helping businesses and the community continue to prosper.”
In addition to DePalma, DDA board members Wayne Wills and Paul Amori were reappointed to their positions.
“The process that the DDA goes through every December is to approach both of the, or in some cases three of the, people whose term will be ending in January to talk about their willingness to continue to serve for another four years,” said DDA executive director Matt Jenkins.
“And so that took place with both of them.”