Ehman to ‘Angel Center?

Deborah Moceri wants the community’s help transforming the Ehman Center into the Angel Center.
Moceri, who recently purchased the 1920s schoolhouse at an auction for $52,500, said she intends to use the building to house a community center that will offer a slew of services to Lake Orion.
She envisions the Angel Center as a place for both recreational and educational purposes. Some of the services she hopes to provide include tutoring, therapy and classes in cooking, dance, theater and art.
‘It’s going to be for all ages,? Moceri said. ‘From infants to senior citizens.?
Moceri had been interested in acquiring the building for a few years. A psychologist with a master’s degree, the Oakland Township resident was looking for a place to base her clinical services.
‘The minute I saw that building, I knew that’s where God wanted me to be,? she said.’I was honored to be able to get the building and be able to resurrect it.?
Moceri, who has worked with substance abuse cases and foster children in the court system since the mid 1990s, will head up a therapy clinic in the building.
As for the other 27 rooms, she hopes to pack in as much stuff as possible.
‘It’s a great idea to have all these services under one roof,? Moceri said.
But she is up to suggestions regarding what people want in building.
After she closes on the building Nov. 10, Moceri hopes to have an informational meeting where members of the public would be invited to give their input.
After that, she hopes people will step forward and offer their time once the Angel Center opens.
‘I’m going to need volunteers,? she said. ‘I want to get people together.
Moceri thinks all the details will be straightened out and have the center opened by the first of the year.
‘The building does need a little TLC,? she said.
In the meantime, anyone interested in contacting Moceri with ideas about the community center can email her at
‘We’re going to have a lot of fun,? she said.