Fire millage up for vote

Independence Township voters will be asked two questions about the Fire Department ? renewal of the current millage rate at 3.1688, and an increase of .59 mills.
The board voted unanimously, May 15, in favor of the fire mill increase.
‘We haven’t had a tax increase on the fire department since 2000,? Trustee Neil Wallace noted. ‘This is a vital service.?
‘We’re happy that the board is supporting this,? Acting Chief Mitch Petterson responded. ‘Now it’s in the hands of the voters to decide what level of fire department service they want.?
Without an increase, Petterson said the current fire prevention service ‘will fall off at the end of the year,? and the department will need to continue using outside EMS providers whenever their two ambulances are already in use.
‘We’re not looking to start new projects, we’re just trying to make up lost ground,? Petterson said.
The increase would fund the fire prevention division, one more person per shift, and a third ambulance.
View the presentation at