First ever Brandon enrollment fair

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Brandon Twp. — At 4:30 p.m., on Feb. 12, the Brandon School District is hosting their first enrollment fair at Brandon High School, 1025 S. Ortonville Road.
“Every year the preschool and kindergarten do a welcome event, the middle school and the high school do orientation,” said Superintendent Carly Stone. “Rather than having all these multiple different events, we’ve decided to create a one-stop-shop for families for one evening. Families who have multiple children or just one are welcome to attend and learn about our schools and what they have to offer.”
The enrollment fair will include presentations from the principals of each building, as well as an open house in the building for families to see everything the district has to offer.
“These children aren’t just enrolling in kindergarten, they’re enrolling in the Brandon School District,” said Stone. “My hope is that by having this event, our families get to see not only what we offer at specific grade levels for their children, but what we offer up through high school and what Brandon can provide for the whole child.”
In addition, there will be representatives from the district that offer support for children, academically, socially and emotionally, such as Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance, the Cook Center, the PTO, the PTA, extra curricular activities, programming, and even student athletes sharing the opportunities students have for sports. The Human Resources department will also be promoting opportunities for parents who wish to work in the schools.
“We want to show the whole way we can support children,” said Stone. “And what our academic programs are. We’re a small town school district with big school opportunities, including AP classes, dual enrollment, and other partnerships.”
The presentations will be in the Performing Arts Center, starting with the preschool at 5 p.m., the elementary schools at 5:45 p.m., the middle school at 6:30 p.m. and the high school at 7:15. They will also have a chance to meet principals and teachers one on one.
Registration is not required. Anyone interested in the Brandon School District can attend the enrollment fair on Feb. 12 at 4:30 p.m., 1025 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville.

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