The Oxford/Orion FISH is currently in need of volunteer drivers and office help.
FISH needs office volunteers able to work two to three days a month from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays.
The volunteers will answer telephones and perform simple data entry to help clients with pressing problems.
Sometimes clients need food or help with an overdue utility bill or are facing shut-off. FISH volunteers coordinate assistance for these individuals along with other service agencies.
Drivers work when needed and at their convenience. Each volunteer’s driving mileage is tax deductible.
The drivers assist residents who need rides to areas outside the NOTA territory, or who don’t meet NOTA’s criteria for rides. In such cases, FISH steps in to help.
Call (248)693-0638 and leave a message to volunteer or learn more about Oxford/Orion FISH.
The organization is 100-percent staffed by volunteers and serves Oxford, Orion, Leonard, Addison and Oakland townships.