Flu shots cancelled

Ortonville – As of Oct. 6, all flu shot clinics have been cancelled without further notice.
While the Oakland County Health Department officials say there is limited flu vaccine available, county Public Health Educator Jennifer Bouck says flu shots will not be given out until the county can categorize who should receive the vaccine.
‘We have a limited supply of vaccine and will be figuring out a priority based on community need,? Bouck said.
According to webmd.com an Oct. 5 report states that 48 million doses of vaccine were lost to manufacturing difficulty.
On Wednesday, Wilma Reed of the Brandon Senior Center received word from the health department that the flu shot clinic scheduled to be held at the center on Oct. 28 has been cancelled indefinitely.
‘The health department has cancelled all flu shot clinics,? said Reed who suggested that concerned residents should contact the Flu Shot Hot Line at 1-800-434-3358, to find out where they may receive the vaccine.
Concerned residents should contact their personal physician for direction on all health related issues.
‘Teri Stiles