Fresh coat of asphalt for three roads

Paved portions of three Oxford Township roads will undergo some much-needed resurfacing this summer.
Last week, officials voted to use their Tri-Party funds to resurface 1.73 miles of Drahner Road between M-24 and Newman Road, 0.07 miles of Oakwood Road just east of M-24 and 0.59 miles of Oxford Road just east of Ray Road.
All three asphalt stretches were recommended by the Road Commission for Oakland County due to their poor condition.
‘I’m not disagreeing with the recommendations,? said township Treasurer Joe Ferrari. ‘I think they’re fair.?
The three projects combined will cost an estimated $440,600.
Oxford will use the $434,962 it has available in Tri-Party funds to pay for the work.
Tri-Party is a road-funding initiative through which project costs are split evenly between the county’s general government, the road commission and local communities.
The township’s responsible for $144,987 of the available Tri-Party monies.
Back in April, township officials voted to allocate $150,000 to their road fund.
Given elimination of the Tri-Party program is being proposed for the 2010 Oakland County budget, the township board felt it wise to spend the money this year.
Ferrari noted although it’s been proposed that local communities wouldn’t lose any of the past Tri-Party monies they’ve accumulated, it’s not guaranteed.