Garden Club beautifies community

The Davisburg Garden Club started in 1999 to help others, and this year is no exception. Not only are they keeping up with their tradition of decorating downtown Davisburg with flowers, they are working on a plan to make Davisburg more beautiful than ever.
Currently, the club plants flowers in old whisky barrels in both downtown Davisburg and at the library. They also decorate downtown for Christmas with greens in the whisky barrels and wreaths on the lights. However, the barrels limit what they can do.
Because of this, the club started a plan to buy new planters for downtown Davisburg that are bigger and prettier than the current containers.
‘Different planters mean that we could do a lot more,? said Davisburg Garden Club President Nancy Bontumasi.
Davisburg Garden Club Treasurer Vicki Buczek agreed and said the planters would allow them to grow seasonal flowers instead of just flowers for summer and Christmas.
The club can’t complete the plan on its own. They are hoping to find sponsors for each planter to help offset the cost. Bontumasi said they hope to have plaques for the planters so they can indicate sponsors.
The current plan is to start with eight planters all at the same time or in two groups of four. If they find enough sponsors, however, they may do more than eight and put planters in areas outside of downtown.
Downtown Davisburg, is not the only place that gets the club’s attention.
Every other year, the Davisburg Garden Club holds a Style Show and Auction fundraiser. The money from this auction supports Springfield Township Parks and Recreation, Pennies for Friendship, Michigan Division 4H Endowment, Eradication of Phragmites at Springfield Township Civic Center and Women’s National Farm and Garden Association Louisa King Dogwood tree planting at Washington DC’s National Arboretum.
The Davisburg Garden Club is a branch of the national farm and garden group. They meet the first Wednesday of each month at the meeting room in the Springfield Township Civic Center.
Speakers discuss many different subjects. In addition, the club works on their plans to help the community and offer each other gardening advice.
If the Davisburg Garden Club sounds like something for you, learn more by attending a meeting or by contacting club members Mary at 248-620-9281 or Kathy, 810-750-5167.