GCRC to rate roads for village

By David Fleet
Goodrich- On Monday night the village council voted 3-0 to hire the Genesee County Road Commission to provide engineering services related to PASER rating of all hard surfaced completed through top course, roads in the village. The cost of the project which will start this month, weather permitting will be $2,000 or less. Council members Tim Barraco and Windy Ciaramitaro were absent with notice.
The decision follows a special village road meeting last December at Goodrich High School to discuss a long term plan for the community thoroughfares.
“The contract is with the county to assess our roads,” said Shannon McCafferty, council president. “The road commission will assist the village in development of a comprehensive road plan with priorities for road work.”
Village Administrator/Clerk Sheri Wilkerson met with the GCRC.
“We let them know all the roads need to be done,” said Wilkerson. “It’s just the beginning steps of the plan.”
PASER is an acronym for Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating system. A system for visually rating the surface condition of a pavement from a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a pavement in a failed condition and 10 being a pavement in excellent condition.
From this the GCRC will develop a spreadsheet prioritizing the roadways and reporting their age prior to an improvement plan. The GCRC will provide estimated hot mixed asphalt resurfacing cost, curb and gutter/catch basin repair estimated cost, applicable rehabilitation cost, for each segments of the roadway.

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