GHS designers take first place

Goodrich – High school yearbook staffers Jessica Merchberger and Kristen Miner have more to show for their back-to-school accomplishments than a tan.
The pair were awarded first place in Theme Development at Ball State University’s journalism workshop this summer.
Their chosen theme for the 2004-2005 yearbook is ‘Time?, which can be seen in a workshop mock-up in the GHS main hallway display case, along with the award certificate.
The designers carried out the motif with timelines, including a fashion timeline from fall to spring, said Kristen, staff design editor.
‘I’m very proud of their success,? said yearbook adviser Kay Goodall. It isn’t an easy feat because the Ball State workshop attracted the finest yearbook staff in the U.S.?
Designing is the forte of both Kristen and Jessica, yearbook editor-in-chief, said Goodall, a plus when competing against schools of 2,000 to 3,000 students.
‘It boils down to creative knowledge of layout, and knowledge of trends,? she said.