GHS student bomb threat closes school

Goodrich High School students were dismissed at about 11 a.m. on Monday Sept. 8, after a bomb threat was reported at the school.
According to Lt. Paul Wallace, Genesee County Sheriff, a female Goodrich High School freshman says she overheard a conversation between two male students exclaiming that he had, “placed a bomb in the school during the weekend of Sept. 6 and 7.”
The girl eventually told a school official and students were immediately evacuated to a safe area near the school. The identity of the two male students was unknown at the time.
Bomb sniffing dogs from the Genesee and Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, the Flint Police Department and the Michigan State Police Bridgeport Post were called into search the school. The search was concluded at about 2 p.m. No bomb was found.
“The investigation was concluded on Wednesday that a false report (of a bomb) was given by a student and an expulsion hearing has been scheduled,” said Dr. Ray Green, Goodrich Schools Superintendent.
“The matter has been turned over to the Genesee County Prosecutor, further action is up to them.”
According to Green, the high school evacuation went very smoothly the principal went room-to-room and students moved to a safe distance. “Everyone took the bomb threat serious. Given the nature of the times we live in, people know better than taking this lightly.”
In the more than 20 years Green recalls one other bomb threat at Goodrich Schools. In 1999 a Goodrich Middle School student was expelled after leaving a note claiming a bomb was in the school.