Goodrich Schools bond proposal

Dear Editor,
The Feb. 22 school bond proposal has brought to light a couple misconceptions.
The first is that it will raise taxes. It will ‘not.? It will also ‘not? lower taxes. The proposal is for an extension of the current bond which remains in effect until 2034; the proposal will extend this out until 2041. The current millage rate remains in effect and the only reason you might pay more or less is dependent on the current and future appraised value of your home. If your home value goes up, the economy will have improved also.
The second question revolves around who is eligible to vote and the answer to this is any registered voter within the district is eligible to vote. This means that people from Lapeer, Oakland, and Genesee counties residing in the school district can vote just as they have for school board elections.
The district is running a number of informational forums about the bond and everyone is encouraged to attend. Meeting dates are posted on the school web site. If you have any concerns please contact Superintendent John Fazer and/or any school board member with any and all questions you might have. Please get fully versed on the issue before voting.
Fazer has the intelligence, integrity, and experience to bring the desperately needed upgrades to our buildings. He and the proposal have the support of all members of the board. He, the board, and the district certainly have my full support.
Please get the facts and please vote.
Mark Griffiths