Goodrich voters to decide on restoration of millage

Goodrich – Voters are being asked to go to the polls on May 6 to again restore the 18 mill non-homestead property tax levy which will fully fund area schools.
Local school districts are required to levy 18 mills, with voter approval, on all non-homestead property.
‘The three (3) mill Headlee Restoration which passed in May 2005, expires with the 2008 levy for the 2008-09 school year,? said Linda DeCamp, school business manager.
‘There is no cost to the homeowner, only business property is affected.?
At the April 28 Goodrich Board of Education meeting, Goodrich Schools Interim Superintendent Larry Allen said if it does not pass, it will result in a loss of $239,315 for the area schools.
With Goodrich Schools currently in a between $300,000 and $500,000 deficit the current school year, Allen, who is already concerned with having to cut five teachers, said he doesn’t want to have to cut anything else.
‘The State of Michigan will not replace this loss in revenue,? said Allen. ‘Please go to the polls and vote.?