Green space millage viewpoint

Dear Editor,
I’d like to comment on the Powell letter on Green Space. Taking several points that they claim are? less than honest? I offer some FACTS.
1. The Opinion poll was NOT changed. The original Millage of 0.6 was found to be too high (a key purpose of the poll) and the current rate of 0.45 won the support of 60% of the voters. The poll questions and results were provided to the Township Board and are available to all. The poll was done by TelOpinion, a reputable national polling firm.
2. Parks and Rec are part of the proposal and will administer the funds, select and manage all properties acquired, and direct maintenance as well. All millage monies go directly to the township.
3. The group, IGG, has identified the Clinton River and Sashabaw Creek as key areas of concern and focus. The approach to purchase or easements will depend on owner interest and willingness. No specific parcels can be targeted until monies become available.
4. They, the Powells, obviously don’t understand easements when they claim ‘Active recreation on a conservation easement is an Impossibility.? The easement on Fountains Golf Course, formerly Liberty, not only saved the course for the community, it certainly permits ‘Active Recreation?. Perhaps golf isn’t active? Easements on public lands can allow many and diverse recreational uses. The purpose of such easements is to insure that the lands can never be sold or commercially developed.
5. Gains and/or benefits to a non-profit group will be real- the same gains that the millage will give to ALL tax payers. More open space, better ground water protection, reduced congestion and pollution. NOHLC will be obligated to inspect the properties and work with the township to maintain them- a Negative benefit as it adds more work for their volunteers.
For more information attend the open house at the Carriage House in Clintonwood Park, Sept. 23, 7p.m.
Jim Reed
Independence Township

Dear Editor,
The “Independence goes green” group has been less than honest with taxpayers throughout the “Open space, Recreation and Waters” millage proposal process. Through the coming months, we plan to keep them honest.
A recent letter by Mr. Pytel stated that he “began” the millage initiative because he cares so much about the community and it’s water, but he conveniently failed to mention that he is also a board member on the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy. The group that is specifically named as a beneficiary of the proposal if it were to pass.
The group claims, “The proposal has the support of the township”, when in fact it’s own $10,000 telephone poll quickly found that a majority of the people did not support a new 10 year tax millage. The telephone poll was quickly changed after it found voters did not support it.
The proposal’s language is deceptive. The proposal states that it’s purpose is to “finance the acquisition and maintenance of real property for open space and active recreation, and for the protection of waters and wetlands within the township, with the requirement that such property be acquired subject to a legally established conservation easement benefiting the township, its residents and the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy.” A tax proposal specifically for an un-elected, non-profit group? How can that be?
The proposals first objective clearly is for “the acquisition and maintenance of real property for open space and active recreation”, yet Parks and Rec. is not involved in the proposal or the maintenance of the properties. That in itself raises red flags.
One would think that a proposal such as this would have clear cut goals, but when questioned the group claims that their goal is to attain only “conservation easements” on rivers and wetlands that are yet to be named.
Perhaps that would explain why Parks and Rec. is not involved. Because, “active recreation” on a”conservation easement” is an impossibility! What part could “active recreation” really play in this proposal if Parks and Rec. is not involved? They can’t even afford lifeguards for the Baycourt properties now under their control!
So who really stands to benefit from this proposal?” – The answer can be found within the proposal. The millage proposal clearly states that it would “benefit the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy” an un-elected, non profit group that cannot be held accountable to taxpayers.
Many of those involved with the NOHLC have already voiced their opinions here without divulging that they stand to gain from the passage of the proposal because of their association with the NOHLC.
Educated voters need to know who stands to benefit:
NOHLC Executive Board: President: James P. Pistilli, Vice President: Sue Julian, Secretary: Chris Benedict, Treasurer: Paul Gambka, Past President: Jim Reed.
Directors: Susan C. Aulgur, Mary Blanchard, Philip O. Dutton, William S. Edwards, Joan C. Harbaugh, Kenneth Klostermeyer, G. David McCarty, Dr. Thomas R. Pytel, Paul Rabaut, Nancy Strole, Dale Stuart, Daniel F. Travis, Carolyn Wood.
Auditors: Arlene Badgley, Cory Johnston, Laura Moreau, Susan D. Topping, Doug Williams.
Unfortunately and thanks to township officials, what voters have before them Nov. 4 is a confusing tax proposal that makes promises it couldn’t possibly deliver. However, if passed, it guarantees to deliver your tax dollars to the benefit an un-elected, non-profit group. This proposal has been based on a progression of falsehoods since it started. The truth is, this proposal will burden taxpayers for an eternity if voters believe the propoganda that is now being sold as truths. Vote NO Nov. 4!
Michael Powell
Lori Powell
Independence Twp.

Dear Editor,
I’d like to encourage everyone to support the millage for open space and waters as a significant step toward preserving our lovely rural environment here in Independent township. Avoiding further traffic congestion, pollution and damage to our ground water from uncontrolled runoff are major benefits that will accrue from this millage. In addition, we will protect our drinking water wells which we all depend on. I feel that we need fewer strip malls and drug stores while protecting two critical water corridors- the Clinton River and Sashabaw Creek. All for a few dollars a month!
Jim Reed
Independence Township

Dear Editor,
The letter to the editor from Michael Powell of Sept. 10 contains the false implication that our non-profit organization and its wholly volunteer Board of Directors will benefit monetarily from the passage of an open space millage in Independence Township.
The ballot proposal is for Independence Township to purchase and own open space on behalf of the township residents. A conservation easement with NOHLC is a deed restriction that ensures that the land purchased by residents for the purpose of protecting natural resources will forever remain undeveloped land. Even if a future township board decided to sell the land, it would have to remain open space because of the conservation easement.
No money is transferred to the conservancy. No land is transferred to the conservancy. In fact, the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy (NOHLC) and its Board of Directors willingly incurs the burden of protecting the preservation agreement forever, as a benefit to township residents.
On behalf of the NOHLC Board of Directors,
James P. Pistilli, President
Susan Julian, Vice President