Haitian mission success

Since Nov. 6, Clarkston United Methodist Church has sent 19 people to Jeremie, Haiti, in partnership with the Jeremie Haiti Project, a non-profit organization.
The first team worked with Haitian workers on a conference center’s roof, floor, plumbing and electricity. The second team arrived in January and helped finish the job.
Along with the conference center, the teams worked in the Gebeau Medical Clinic assisting doctor and nurses, painting the medical clinic and the cement walls surrounding it, and filling in a very large hole in the driveway, damaged by Hurricane Sandy. They also worked at a local orphanage, and team 2 worked with local Sunday school teachers and taught them different ways to pray.
“Our host, Reverend Christnel LeLievre and his family were our hosts and they graciously prepared and fed us our meals, transported us around the city, and provided us with a comfortable and beautiful place to stay,” said volunteer Abby Whiteford.
“We learned of their culture and the rich history of Jeremie and the country of Haiti. The teams built relationships with the family, their staff and the incredible people that worked beside us during the time spent in their country.”
The Clarkston teams raised $15,000 for the project.
They will share pictures and stories, and answer questions about the trip on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 7 p.m. at Clarkston United Methodist Church.