Hali’s Books looking for donators, new causes

By Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor
If you were around the Salon on Waldon Pond before Christmas time, you might have seen one of her posters hanging in the window asking for donated books.
Her young, charity-driven mindset is at it again.
Hali Sayre, a 10-year-old from Holly, got the idea to collect any and all children’s books through her mom’s Lake Orion salon, located in the plaza at the Waldon and Baldwin Rd. intersection, for a Lake Orion charity event.
For months both Cindy and Hali Sayre stacked book after book in their basement until Hali Sayre could bury herself in them, and then brought them to the Shop with a Hero event hosted by Sister Souls and local law enforcement agencies last December.
Each child who participated in the Shop with a Hero event not only got to shop for free with law enforcement agents, they were also gifted several of Hali Sayre’s donated books.
To Hali Sayre, it is never too early to start stacking books.
And the salon’s clients are already asking about donating.
‘Just being able to help the kids, and meeting all of them,? said Hali, is what keeps her Hali’s Books for Shop with a Hero organization, on her mind.
The partnership with local nonprofit Sister Souls helped spread the word and led to the collection of thousands of books. Some of those books are being saved in the Lake Orion Police Department station for next year, and some were donated to local schools.
The Sayres are on the same quest this year, with the hopes for just as many, if not more, donated books, and are interested in involving new causes too.
Interested donators can drop new or used children’s books off at the Salon on Waldon Pond, located at 3055 S. Baldwin Rd., and will receive a $5 off coupon for any salon service.
‘It’s really cool because it gets the whole community involved,? Cindy Sayre said.
This was the first year Hali Sayre’s book initiative had its own table for Shop with a Hero, and she hopes that more kids will get involved for the next event.
Contact the salon at?248-391-3240’to help out, or Sister Souls at’sistersouls.inc@gmail.com.?