Hamlin Pub throws benefit dinner for longtime employee

The management team and staff at Hamlin Pub in Lake Orion are hosting a benefit and proceed for the American Cancer Society and long time employee Jackie Sherman on Friday, June 29 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Sherman, who has worked at the pub for 14 years and been involved in various fundraisers to help others in need, now finds herself in need of a little help. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
‘We’re committed to making it happen because Jackie has been to committed to making it happen for the Hamlin Pub for 14 years,? said one of the managers. ‘We just want to give something back to her and her family.?
Sherman has been married to her husband David for almost 30 years and has three children, Danny, Hailey, and Jake.
For a $10 donation guests can enjoy a complete dinner buffet donated by Hamlin Pub and Gordon Foods Service. The event will also include a DJ, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, silent auction, drink specials, and Happy Hour extended.
‘It’s going to be a big event,? said the manager. ‘Other vendors and local merchants have donated as well.?
All throughout the pub are pink ribbons signed by various customers, who have made donations for Sherman.
‘We’ve had $25 and $30 donations,? said the manager. ‘One regular customer who wished to remain anonymous donated $1,000.?
Donations for Sherman can be the day of the event or prior to. A portion of the proceeds will also be donated to the American Cancer Society.
‘We welcome anybody in the community and the management team and staff at Hamlin Pub sincerely appreciates your support.?
Hamilin Pub is located at 741 S. Lapeer Road. For more information call 248-814-8109.