Hey man, the band’s here!

From KISS to Van Halen, the world’s greatest rock bands have usually started with friends and family members getting together to create a new sound.
Here in Oxford, the same rings true at the high school as young musical talent strives to make a name for itself. Justin Kauffmann had broken up with his old band about a year ago but wanted to get back into a band. ‘I just was looking for a band to start,? he said.
Soon, Kauffmann and James Baker got together and decided to form a band back in late July and early August. They added Baker’s friend, James Black, and then tried to decide on a name.
‘We didn’t have a name until our second practice,? Baker said. ‘Someone suggested Half Empty. It was pretty random.?
While a random name, they liked it and decided to use it.
Half Empty, a hard-rock band with influences ranging from the 1950s to today, features Black on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Baker on lead guitar and backup vocals, Kauffmann on bass guitar and backup vocals and Andrea Woody on drums.
Half Empty’s musical influences are indeed vast, with rock groups ranging from major to independent labels.
When it comes to direct musical influences, each has their own from which they draw inspiration. As the vocalist, Black’s main influence is from James Hatfield from Metallica. As a guitarist, he draws from Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin and Kirk Hammett from Metallica.
Hammett is also an influence on Baker, the lead guitarist. Besides Hammett, Baker likes the playing style of former KISS lead guitarist Ace Frehley.
‘Kirk has a very fast but accurate playing style,? Baker explained. ‘And Ace had a very technical aspect but you could still feel the emotion. It was slower but clean also and worked well with the songs KISS played.?
For Kauffmann, the bassist, his two main influences are Paul McCartney of The Beatles and Nikki Sixx from M’tley Cr’e. ‘They’ve been around forever,? he said. ‘They’re very talented with a lot of experience behind the instruments they play.?
Kauffmann also has bass guitars that are the same type McCartney and Sixx use.
Woody, who also plays drums in the Oxford High School Jazz Band, is a recent addition to Half Empty. ‘I know [Kauffmann, Baker and Black] from school,? she said. ‘They heard me play and thought I’d be a good fit.?
Woody describes herself as having a ‘crazy? personality and lists Keith Moon, the late drummer of The Who, as her favorite. She likes to use a ‘fantastic ride cymbal? in her drum kit.
‘My approach is to make sure I keep the beat but have a unique part of the band,? she said. ‘And not just be back there keeping time, like [The Beatles drummer] Ringo Starr. I like to contribute.?
Baker said that Woody’s drum playing appealed to the band members because she ‘has more emotion? when playing, and because she’s faster at learning songs. They also felt that it would be very interesting and attention grabbing to have a girl in the band.
?[Andrea] has a very classic rock playing style, one I in particular admire,? Baker said. He added that Moon’s influence on Woody’s playing will bring something new and unique.
So far, they’ve played one venue: Kauffmann’s basement for a party. They practice once a week and would like to bump it up to twice per week. Black and Baker also take music classes at the high school where they work to expand their vocal ranges and study music theory and composition.
‘We need to practice and do shows and generate money to get better equipment and get our name out there,? Black said.
Who knows, perhaps a few years from now Half Empty will go from performing in basements to selling out stadiums.
To book Half Empty, call 248-978-7807. Their Myspace page is at www.myspace.com/halfemptyrock.