If you are a regular reader of the’Lake Orion Review’s total market coverage (TMC) publication, you may be asking the headlined question, ‘Where is my’Advertiser??
Don’t worry, you’re already holding it.
Let us introduce to you, the SUPER Review, which contains both advertisements from the Advertiser and content from your local community paper, the Lake Orion Review.
It was kind of a no-brainer. All ads from local businesses and classifieds seen weekly in the’Advertiser are also regularly published in’The Lake Orion Review.’Meaning, Review readers get the bonus of staying informed and on top of local issues with timely and relevant news, PLUS all the ads seen in the’Advertiser.
So we put ’em together!
This week’s SUPER Review is something we hope to do on a monthly basis, as a gift of information to the community. This is your chance to stay smart on your local issues, see what new developments are coming, read features about talented locals, and keep an eye out for new businesses. Not only will you have the opportunity to read local sports, local school, and local event news, but you will also be informed on the latest news from Orion Township and the Village of Lake Orion.
What you should really pay attention to is the Milestones section, a collection of news and feel good stories from the local community. You may see a shining picture of one of your neighbors in this section, snapshots of local business owners? accomplishments, anniversary and wedding announcements and oh so much more.
If you like what you see, and want to subscribe on a weekly basis, set aside $32 for the paper that arrives to your doorstep every Thursday.
It takes a community.
Please read and let us know what you think. Give me a call or send me an e-mail.
Thanks, and Happy Reading!
Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor