Historic bldg. gets new copper top

A prominent architectural feature in historic downtown Oxford received a much-needed face-lift last week thanks to a local resident who knows his way around metal.
Cast your eyes skyward and you’ll immediately notice the familiar turret adorning the top of the building housing Margot’s Gallery & Frame (5 S. Washington St.) has been covered in a shiny layer of bright copper.
The impressive metal work was done by Jim Reis, a 12-year resident of Oxford. The idea of adding his own professional touch to a building constructed around 1879 was extremely appealing to Reis, who’s spent 20 years working with all types of metals for exterior and interior uses.
‘To be a part of something that was before me, before I was ever born, and know that my work is going to be here long after I’m gone is very exciting,? he said.
Not only is the building a part of the town’s history, it’s well-known turret is considered by many folks to be a focal point for the entire downtown area.
Reis indicated copper was chosen to cover the turret because ‘it’s long-lasting.? He said it could easily ‘last 100 years and still be a solid product.? Over the years, folks will watch the turret change from its current shiny state to a rich brown and finally turn a lovely shade of green (or patina), the result of natural oxidation.
Reis was subcontracted to do the work by Dave Weckle, owner of Valley Building and Repair. Brett Knapp, proprietor of Red Knapp’s American Grill across the street, owns the building.
It took Reis about four days to cover the turret and he got the job done despite high winds, brisk weather and rain.
‘I’m glad to be done. It’s getting cold,? he said. ‘On the first day we went up there to do the layout, that’s when we had those 40 mile-an-hour winds. Some of my friends called and said, ‘I can’t believe you’re up on that scaffold.??
Anyone interested in hiring Reis can contact him at (248) 802-9905 or e-mail him at jamesreis@sbcglobal.net.