Holt wins school board seat

The Lake Orion School Board has a new member.
William Holt was elected by an 847-vote margin, defeating Angela Nasso 7,560 to 6,713.
‘I’m very pleased that we won,? Holt said. ‘I think that Angela Nasso ran a good campaign, and is a good person. I’m looking forward to serving the people now and trying to do what we can to improve the school district.?
Nasso was gracious in defeat, and congratulated Holt on a strong and passionate campaign.
The district should be in good shape if Holt brings ‘the same passion to the school board as he did to the campaign,? Nasso said.
Holt, who will take his seat in January, was thankful for the confidence voters placed in him and was grateful for the support staff who helped him win the election.
Taking a break from cleaning up campaign signs around the township, Holt said ‘I’d like to thank all the people who supported me and helped me get elected. After all, it wouldn’t have happened without a lot of support from a lot of people.?
We’re very pleased and look forward to him participating on the board,? said Lake Orion Schools Superintendent Marion Ginopolis. ‘He brings a business sense, and is very well connected in the community so that will help us support many of our initiatives. I look forward to him being an active and contributing board member.?
Though she came up a little short, Nasso said she felt good about the election. ‘It was a new experience for me, and one that I’m proud to have my kids watch also,? she said.
Grateful for the wide support and good will expressed from neighbors across Orion Township, Nasso said it was ‘nice to see the passion for the community from everyone who helped me out. These people took their own time and money to help me, and I’m very thankful,? she expressed.
To serve as a school board member is still something she ‘would be very interested in doing,? Nasso said. Perhaps voters can expect to see her name again in the next school board election.