Dear Editor:
(In response to: ‘Hunting a right ? but not right,? The Citizen, Oct. 25, page 6): It is November and I am full of life, breathing the fall air and the spirit of the wild. The referenced letter suggested that alcohol, porn and prostitutes be removed from deer camp. I can assure you that, aside from a few beers, these things have never been part of any deer camp that I have been to. If these things are part of hunting trips, perhaps a reevaluation of the company kept is called for.
I have hunted with family and friends for over 17 years. I look forward to bringing my own children one day to deer camp and showing them the life lessons I learned. Nature is beautiful and every child should have a chance to experience it. Life and death are inevitable. Hunting is a way to supply food for a family, especially in the current economic times we face.
Hunting teaches patience, durability and endurance. It has instilled great values for centuries. How is a father being proud of their child taking their first deer any different than cheering over their child’s tackle or game- winning touchdown?
Hunting, fishing, camping or any other outdoor adventure is good, wholesome family fun. Perhaps an alternative is sitting on a couch and playing video games that portray killing, porn, or prostitution?
Vincent Sinacola