Ignorance toward hunting shows

Dear Editor:
(In response to Cindy Savoy’s letter, ‘Dead deer pictures, ‘horrific images,?? The Citizen, Oct. 11, page 7):
This letter only shows the ignorance of some people when it comes to hunting. Harvesting an animal takes a great amount of skill, time, and dedication. I have seen the pictures that this paper prints and they are very tasteful and do not show blood. I myself have had carefully selected pictures with my trophies printed on the front page.
You have chosen to live in a community where hunting is a favorite pastime, and The Citizen caters to the wants and needs of the community. People should not have to hide what they are proud of because of your personal opinion. I have lived in Ortonville my whole life and was raised in a non-hunting environment. Through my husband and friends I have developed a passion for the sport and my children were raised to hunt. As with a lot of kids, it wasn’t the ‘in? thing, but with age and maturity they are learning to appreciate what they were taught. I and many others would rather harvest organic meat for their families than buy chicken, beef, etc?, full of hormones, preservatives and other additives, and also raised in unclean conditions. Before you eat that next hamburger or give your kids (that you are trying to shelter) a chicken nugget, go see the conditions that it lives in and the way it is butchered. What was the word you used? ‘Horrific.? Children should be exposed to hunting and allowed to form their own opinions. They need to be educated on not only firearms and the animal, but the importance of harvesting the animal.
A winning sports team, an academic scholar, or a birthday milestone is printed to reward people for their accomplishments; why not a hunter with their prize!
So kudos to my fellow hunters. Hopefully you have a good season and get the trophy you are looking for. Can’t wait to see the pictures!
Tracy Murphy